After an eclipse... click here


Be careful when watching a solar eclipse! NEVER look directly at the sun, either with the naked eye or through any optical device, including cameras, binoculars, or telescopes!



A total eclipse of the Sun is an inspiring event. Everyone should ensure that they experience at least one in their lifetime. The last total solar eclipse of the 2nd millennium was observed from Turkey (August 11, 1999) and the first total eclipse of the Sun in the 3rd Millennium took place in Southern Africa in 2001. However, this is the first total eclipse of the Sun in the 3rd Millennium takes place in Turkey, which bridges two continents and has been the cradle of so many past civilizations. Wouldn't you like to witness this magnificent event one more time in the mystic ambiance of central Anatolia, which offers its guests Turkish hospitality and a lot of historical examples of paganism, Christianity and Islam. Among the countries from which the eclipse will be visible, Turkey seems to be one of the most suitable countries in terms of its climate and observational facilities. Kandilli Observatory and E.R.I. (the member of the IAU Eclipse group) will arrange field work on the eclipse path to determine the suitable points for the observations.

On these pages we intend to cover in some detail the total solar eclipse of 2006 March 29. On this site you will find maps showing the path of totality of the 2006 Total Solar Eclipse, which should give you some idea of where you should be if you want to have the experience in Turkey. Total solar eclipse occurs on Wednesday, 29 March 2006, in Brazil, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. This will be a spectacular eclipse, lasting over 4 minutes at maximum and visible by millions of people over a path up to 190 km wide. After Africa, the eclipse path crosses the Mediterranean Sea and enters the Asian continent through Turkey, where it hits land about 13:54 L.T. The path width is 171 km, and the duration on the centreline is 3 minutes 48 seconds. After this it will leave Turkey from the north east coast at 14:13 L.T., then it crosses the Black Sea, cuts a corner of Georgia, and then enters Russia, running across the north end of the Caspian Sea.

Observational sites in Turkey are given in the following table.


Site Inspections            A Year Before



TOTAL Eclipse Observation Sites

SITE Latitude (°  ' ) Longitude (°  ' ) First Contact (h:m:s) Second Contact (h:m:s) Maximum Eclipse (h:m:s) Third Contact (h:m:s) Fourth Contact (h:m:s) Umbral Duration(h:m)
Aksaray 38 22 34 02 12:44:45 14:00:44 14:02:30 14:04:16 15:17:56 03:32
Alanya 36 33 32 01 12:39:00 13:56:15 13:57:34 13:58:53 15:14:14 02:38
Amasya 40 39 35 50 12:50:26 14:06:24 14:07:04 14:07:44 15:21:05 01:20
Antalya 36 53 30 42 12:37:33 13:54:24 13:55:59 13:57:34 15:12:47 03:11
Erbaa 40 42 36 36 12:51:33 14:06:36 14:08:07 14:09:38 15:21:57 03:02
Giresun 40 55 38 24 12:54:24 14:09:03 14:10:41 14:12:19 15:23:58 03:17
Karaman 37 12 33 13 12:41:48 13:59:23 14:00:04 14:00:45 15:16:11 01:22
Kayseri 38 44 35 29 12:47:22 14:04:01 14:04:53 14:05:45 15:19:49 01:43
Kirsehir 39 09 34 10 12:45:59 14:01:47 14:03:25 14:05:03 15:18:29 03:16
Konya 37 52 32 30 12:41:44 13:57:58 13:59:46 14:01:33 15:15:45 03:36
Nevsehir 38 38 34 43 12:46:05 14:02:04 14:03:42 14:05:19 15:18:52 03:15
Niksar 40 36 36 58 12:51:57 14:06:48 14:08:32 14:10:16 15:22:19 03:28
Ordu 40 59 37 53 12:53:45 14:08:19 14:10:04 14:11:49 15:23:26 03:30
Sivas 39 45 37 01 12:51:00 14:06:48 14:07:56 14:09:04 15:22:02 02:16
Tokat 40 19 36 33 12:51:01 14:06:00 14:07:46 14:09:31 15:21:46 03:31
Turhal 40 24 36 06 12:50:27 14:05:40 14:07:12 14:08:44 15:21:17 03:31
Yıldızeli 39 52 36 38 12:50:33 14:05:51 14:07:29 14:09:07 15:21:39 03:16
Yozgat 39 49 34 48 12:47:51 14:03:42 14:04:56 14:06:09 15:19:33 02:27
Zile 40 18 35 54 12:50:02 14:05:20 14:06:51 14:08:21 15:21:01 03:02

Please click site name to get site information.

Times are given in local time on this table (Local time for Turkey: UT +3 hours)


Click here to view weather conditions for sites

Turkish State Meteorological Service Eclipse 2006 special page


Eclipse Maps

please click image to view bigger

please click image to view bigger

Mediterranean and Central Anatolia Region

Central Anatolia and Black Sea Region

please click on images to enlarge

prepared by Hasmet Bolge


Click to enlarge

Official Tour Operator : der-tur


        Sun & Solar Eclipses

Country profile Passport & Visa information
Ministery of Foreign Affairs Culture & Tourism
Turkish Embassy in USA Culture
Turizm.gov.tr Internet Services in Turkey
Tourism links (from Billkent University) Tourism Turkey

 Mail your suggestions or problems to : Atila Ozguc, Tamer Atac

Designed & created by Riza PEKTAS, 2004-2006

last updated : 12/24/2024 06:43:40